chapter 28

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Jorge's pov

*After a night spent with Mechi and my friends, I arrived home. I layed on the couch, turned on the TV to cover up the silence and started thinking out loud*

J: So, Martina talked today. That is the biggest move we've made so far. My job is going great!

*The good mood has changed when I remembered all the other things I have to do*

J: Ugh.

*I sat up and grabbed the nearest paper and a pen*

J: So... the first point. My job.

*I said and wrote on the paper.*

J: Second, a birthday party. Third, finding a girlfriend or someone who will pretend to be my girl...

*I continued until midnight when I fell asleep...*


*The sun shining on my face woke me up. I opened my eyes and looked at the clock. Already nine?! I'm late! Somehow, I got out of the mess I've made yesterday and got ready to go. Then I set off to work. When I was on the road, my phone rang. I didn't have time to read the name so I picked it up*

J: Hello?

??: Hi Jorge, it's me, Mechi. Where are you?

J: Hi, I am on my way to work, give me ten minutes.

Me: Ten?!

J: Yeah, the traffic jam in the morning is the worst

Me: Okay but hurry up, Martina is getting a bit nervous

J: Tell her that I will be right there

Me: Okay, hurry up

*She hang up and I placed the phone back in my pocket, focusing on the road.*

Martina's pov

*Jorge should've been here two hours ago, where is he? Mabye he just overslept. Or mabye he gave up too... When I thought about that, my hands started sweating. The door handle turned and Mercedes came in*

Me: Don't worry, Jorge will be here in ten minutes

*She said and walked away. I looked at Mariana again*

M: Luckily, he didn't give up. I don't know what I would do if he really left.

*I walked over to the window and looked out, at the trees and flowers being bend by the wind*

M: Look at that. Someday, I want to go out and touch the nature again. As soon as possible, I want to be free.

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