chapter 24

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Jorge's pov

*When I arrived home, I was surprised, not in a nice way. Two pairs of foreign shoes were in the hall. I took off my jacket and walked to the living room where my father was sitting with a can of beer in his hand*

J: Dad! What are you doing here?

*I said as I walked over, shaking a hand with him*

Jd: We came here to visit our son, nothing else

J: Mom is here too?

Jm: I'm in the kitchen!

*I walked to the kitchen where my mother was standing*

J: Hi mum

*I kissed her cheek, smelling all the delicious food she has cooked*

J: Why are you here?

Jm: We came to visit you and I noticed you have nothing in your fridge. So I cooked some meals for you. You can keep them in the fridge and eat later. Aren't you happy that we came?

J: I am happy. But you came in my appartment without me knowing that. I was surprised.

*She pulled me back to the living room and she sat down next to my father. I layed on the other couch and crossed my arms, knowing that they want something from me. They never come with no reason.*

Jd: Jorge, you will turn twenty five soon

*Here it comes. A long speech. Last time they talked about me moving away, what will come now?*

Jm: And we think that is the right time to look for a girl. When I was twenty five, I've been dating your father for already a year

J: You think I am not looking for a girl? Of course I am trying

Jd: Why don't you introduce her then?

*I let out a sigh and sat up. This is something I was hoping not to happen.*

J: I want a girl but right now, my job is number one.

Jm: I told you being a doctor isn't easy

J: But it's something that makes me happy. Mabye I will find my future wife in the hospital

Jd: You're talking like you already have one. Do you?

J: Well... Not yet

Jd: Think about it or we will look for her ourselves.

J: No, you don't have to, I-

Jm: We have to go now, see you later. And eat something I prepared for you

J: Wait, I don't-

*My parents are in their fifties but very fast if they want. They put on their shoes and left. I have so many things to do, now I have to add finding a girlfriend on the list. But that has to wait. Now, the most important person is Martina*

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