chapter 50

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Martina's pov

*When he said that, I was about to scream yes from happiness but I looked at Mariana first.*

Ma: Don't.

*Another negative word. I am getting confused.*

J: Martina?

M: Eh... uhm... yes. I want to.

J: Great! Excuse me for a while, I will take care of it

*He stood up and left. In that moment, Mariana looked at me disappointed*

M: What? You know how long I've been wishing for this

Ma: I know. But I think you made a bad decision.

M: Didn't you hear Jorge? He said he won't take you away

Ma: He lies! Every person here lies. You're acting llike you've never been fooled with lies.

M: ... but Jorge is different. He isn't like the ones I knew.

Ma: I am getting tired of this. Really.

M: I will go out. And you won't stop me.

Jorge's pov

*I left Martina's room and looked around. When I saw Mechi on the other side of the hall, I ran after her*

J: Mechi!

*She turned around and rolled her eyes, placing her hands on her hips*

Me: Yes Jorge?

J: The hospital park is opened from midday to seven p.m. on saturday, right?

Me: Yes

J: And you have the gate keys, right?

Me: Yes

J: Could you please lend me them?

Me: Why?

J: I want to take Martina out. But I want to do it when noone is there. Please, do me a favor

Me: I will do it clearly for Martina, okay?

J: Thank you!

Me: And, I will open the door for you. I don't want to risk by giving you the keys

J: Alright, no problem! Thank you again. On saturday at ten a.m.

Me: I'll be waiting there... and... how was your date?

J: ... It was fine

Me: Uhm... well... you should go back to Martina

J: Yeah, I better go.

*She turned around and headed away but then stopped*

Me: You're doing a great job with Martina. She even answered when I asked her

J: Thank you

*We smiled at each other and then separated*

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