chapter 80

712 56 13

Jorge's pov

*I stopped at Martina's door and took a deep breath. I hope she isn't mad at me anymore. I can't tell her what Pepe is. She would break down knowing that she chose a killer. I took the handle and opened*

J: Good morning Mar-

*Nothing. She is not on the bed, nor sitting at the table. Wh-where xould she be?! I felt how my hands start to sweat uncontrolably. When I turned around and got a small heart attack by seeing Mechi standing towards me*

Me: You've just seen a ghost or what?

J: Have you-have you seen Martina?

Me: Yeah

J: Where is she?

Me: Wait. You don't know?

J: No, I just came and she is gone

Me: I thought- he said that you let her go out

J: He?

Me: Yeah, the patient from-

J: Damn!

*I ran out of the room and headed out to the park. Mechi ran after me, curious about what is going on. When I got out, I looked around, searching those two, until I found them sitting on the bench under the tree talking and laughing together. Then I felt it. Mix of anger, envy and betrayal. She had gone with him, with no problems.*

Me: I am sorry, I-

J: No, you didn't know that I am not there, there is no need to be sorry

Me: They look happy. Why are you so sad?

J: Pepe is not... not the best guy to be friends with

Me: I heard about him. Sure, he did some bad things but that is why he's here, right?

J: I guess. But Martina has to be safe

Me: Come on Jorgito. Since when are you suspicious about the patients? You always gave everyone a chance

J: ... I don't know.

Me: Jorge is jealoooous and needs some looove

*She said wittily and hugged me.*

J: That was necessary Mechi but thank you. That was nice

Me: I know, I bring sunshine and rainbows everywhere

J: Oh

Me: What?

J: They are looking at us.

Me: I guess you gotta go there now

J: Ugh. I can't stand that guy

Me: Then go and get Martina

J: See you later Mechi

Me: See ya!

*I headed to the bench and observed how Martina's face turned red*

J: I see you are having fun

P: You took too long to come so I-

J: Listen, I didn't give you the permition to do this. Come with me Martina, we have to talk

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