chapter 64

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Jorge's pov

M: What is this?

*Martina said and pointed at the Instagram icon. We've been playing and exploring my phone for an hour now. But I don't mind*

J: My instagram. I post photos there

M: And can I look at it?

J: Sure, go on

*She smiled and tapped on the icon, then started looking through my account*

J: Do you want to see the photo of me in Mexico?

M: Sure

*I showed her a photo of me as a kid, posing on a photo*

M: You had chubby cheeks

J: And a cheeky smile

*I said and imitated the face on the photo. Martina couldn't hold it in but laughed. That warmed my heart up. Again.*

M: It's still the same


Martina's pov

J: Time for me to go, it's late and you should rest. See you tomorrow, okay?

M: Yeah, bye...

J: Thanks for the photo

*When I watched him leaving, suddenly, I felt... sad. Every evening he leaves, I am alone with her. At first I was happy but now... he is leaving me in fear.*

Ma: Oh, dear Martina.

*Mariana's voice broke the silence*

Ma: You are close to Jorge, right? Closer and closer every day.

M: I-isn't that what you wanted?

Ma: No, that is the opposite of what I want. And you had super fun today, right?

M: Yes. I had fun.

Ma: How couldn't you, right? He held you in his arms, comforted you with sweet words. And even kissed you

M: But n-nothing has changed. I am still the same me

Ma: No, you aren't. And you know that. Becuse Jorge change something. He made you feel something... inside. Your heart aches when he leaves, heals when he comes. And I don't think you felt that half a year ago

*She said with a smirk. That made me worry even more.*

Ma: That thing he made you feel must have gotten a space in your heart. And you had to throw some old feelings away, so the new... thing... has a lot of space, to spread.

M: I-I don't understand.

Ma: Unfortunately you chose to eliminate friendship. Including me.

M: No, that is ridiculous

Ma: You know what betray is? You did exactly that. Betrayed me.

M: I didn't betray any-

Ma: You chose him over me. And I am tired of losing over a stranger. There is only one way to solve this problem.

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