chapter 81

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Martina's pov

*I stood up and walked further from Pepe, being followed by Jorge.*

J: He forced you to go out?

M: N-no. I agreed

J: And totally ignored the fact that I didn't know that

M: That was a bad idea,

J: But?

M: But can't you see? I have decided to go out without you. Isn't that a good thing?

J: At least I should know that, don't you think? You escaped Martina

M:  So, I am not supposed to leave the room when you are not around. I am an animal in the cage?

J: Do you even hear what I say?

M: Of course I hear what you say, only you should-

J: Wait wait wait. We are fighting?

M: You started

J: Of course, because I nearly got a heart attack when I couldn't find you!

M: That is why you looked for Mercedes to comfort you!

*My mouth shut quickly after me realizing what came out. Jorge looked at me confused*

J: You are jealous

M: No, I didn't want to say that

J: Don't lie to me. You've been jealous on Mechi all the time?

M: Y-you two seem as good friends. I want a friendship like you two too. I want Pepe to be my friend

J: And I don't count as a friend?

M: Yes, of course, but... how to explain...

J: Alright, never do anything like this without me knowing. And I am happy that you made it out without me.

M: So I can go back there? To Pepe?

J: Not so sure about-

M: Please

J: Ugh. You know what I told you about him

M: What is the reason you don't like him?

J: I know why he is here

M: Tell me

*He took a deep breath, thinking about whether to tell me or not.*

J: He killed people. His family

*My eyes widened as I remembered where I know Pepe from.*


*The playground. A place where me and my friends go after school. We threw our bags on one place and ran to the attractions. I decided to go on a swing. A strange boy sat on the swing next to mine and angrily muttered*

??: Stupid people.

*I turned at him and asked*

M: What is wrong?

*He looked at me with his blue eyes and frowned*

??: My parents. They scolded me for nothing. Again.

M: I'm sorry for that

??: You don't have to. They are strict everyday of my life. But one day, I will get my revenge.

M: Revenge?

??: Yes. When I'll be strong enough, I will get my payback.

*After that his frown turned into a smirk. A scary smirk.*

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