chapter 102

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Jorge's pov

*I was standing in front of Martina's room, ready to come in when someone tapped on my shoulder*

J: Hi Mechi

Me: Hi! How did it go yesterday? What happened?

J: Ugh. Terrible.

Me: What

J: Oh, you mean... I was nicely surprised, she talked to people

Me: Good. And the terrible thing?

J: Stephie met me and Martina. In the evening, when I was alone, she came to my flat and scolded me

Me: She was curious about Martina

J: Not only that. She banned me from meeting Martina

Me: WHAT? That sick-

J: Bitch.

Me: You won't listen to her, right?

*Just when I was about to answer, Martina opened*

M: Oh, hi

J: Good morning, what are you doing here?

M: Nothing, I just- Mercedes should've brought me my pills so I went to check out if she's here

Me: Yeah, here

*Mechi gave her a small plate and smiled*

Me: See you later

*After that, me and Martina entered the room.*

Martina's pov

*I heard what they talked about. Jorge got in trouble because of me. And will have to leave me. I see no other choice. Without me realizing, tears rolled down my cheeks. Jorge was very surprised as he walked over and held my wrists*

J: Martina, are you alright? Did I do anything?

M: No

J: Why so sad then?

*We sat on the bed, our hands still holding each other*

M: I know why you came...

J: You-you heard us?

M: Yes, and I think... that this is the last day with you then

J: No no no, I didn't say anything about leaving

M: Your fiancé said she wants you somewhere far from me

J: No, I am not leaving.

M: were in trouble because of me

J: I don't care. Screw Stephie and her rules. Noone will ban me from seeing you

M: I don't want to cause trouble

J: You don't do anything. I will not stop

M: You don't get it! I've made so many problems to other people in my life and you can't be added to the list!

J: I said I will not stop because I don't want to. I wouldn't change you for anything! Not gold, diamonds or anything else. I need you in my life now.

*He said and hugged me. Not long after, I felt his lips on my cheek. He was leaning his forehead against my temple, breathing calmly. Then I heard his humming. It was so calming, I could say... soporific*

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