chapter 30

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Jorge's pov


*I woke up, did my morning routine and headed to the hospital, as usually. I was in front of Martina's room door when my prone buzzed. A text message. I opened it and read. Don't forget to come at three. Dad. What is that important that I have to leave early? After clearing my head, I entered in the room*

J: Good morning Martina

M: Good morning

*She said, swallowing the last bite of her breakfast*

J: You've already eaten your medicine?

M: Yes

J: Good job

*I walked to the window and looked out, at the other patients with their doctors, sitting on a bench under a tree or playing games. Soon, I will be there with Martina too.*

J: Martina, would you mind if I leave a bit earlier today?

*Silence was spread over the room for a while but then she turned around and looked at me*

M: Why?

J: My parents have something to tell me. So I-

M: Okay. I don't mind.

J: Thank you

M: Now, we can start working


J: Once again, thank you Martina, see you tomorrow.

*I walked through the hall and bumped in Mechi who gave me a smile as soon as she noticed me*

Me: Hi Jorge

J: Hi, sorry, I'd love to talk to you now but I gotta go

Me: Where are you going?

J: My parents, they invited me. See you later

Me: Bye

*I left the hospital and drove to my parents' house. This house is huge. I remember the time I always got lost inside as a kid. I knocked and my dad opened*

Jd: Hello Jorge

J: Hi, I'm here

Jd: Come in

*I stepped inside, to the living room where my mum was sitting*

J: Hi mum

Jm: Hi my darling

*I kissed her cheek and sat on the chair, pouring tea in three cups. My father joined us and there we sat... in silence*

Jm: How is your work going?

J: Great, you've seen it yesterday...

*Once again, the deafening silence spreaded all over the living room*

J: Can we get to the point? Why you invited me?

Jd: How do you know that-

J: I know you. Now tell me, what is the reason?

Jm: My son, we have- I have to tell you something. And...

*Her voice started shaking as she tried to keep her eyes dry. Unfortunately. Some tears rolled down her wrinkled cheeks. That made me worry.*

J: You're scaring me... what happened?

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