chapter 14

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Jorge's pov

*I woke up with a stiff neck. Oh, I fell asleep on the table. I looked around me, spotting the laptop and papers full of reports about Martina. Intrersting how the reporters get so many facts. When I was about to go to the bathroom, my phone rang. An unknown number*

J: Hello?

??: God morning, did I wake you up?

J: No Mechi, why are you calling me? And how did you get my phone number?

Me: I searched for your number in the files. And I was wondering why aren't you in the hospital. You gave up too?

J: No, I'm giving Martina some time. Just four days and I'll be back

Me: Okay

J: How is she? Is she alright?

Me: Yes, she is calm, taking all her pills duly

J: Uhm...

*Silence fell on both sides of the phone... an awkward silence*

Me: And... eh... do you have free time tonight?

J: Yeah, why?

Me: Well, if you want to, we can go and... eh...

J: Go out? Okay, why not? Do you know the Restobar?

Me: Yes

J: See you there at six

Me: Great! See you

J: Bye

*I hang up and realized what happened. Am I going on a date tonight?*

Martina's pov

*I woke up and startled, seeing Mercedes in my room. She turned around and looked at me with a bright smile*

Me: Good morning, I have the pills here. Please take them, I'm gonna make a phonecall and come back to check it

*She left and I walked to the table, taking up the pills.*

M: This won't help me.

*I walked to the window and threw the pills away, just like yesterday. Then I sat back on my bed*

M: Mariana, did you have a good sleep? Because I didn't

*I said, looking at Mariana who was leaning against the wall on the other side of the room. She looked at me with her tired eyes and a disgusted face expression*

Mariana: No. The bed wasn't comfortable and in middle of midnight, you pushed me off the bed.

M: Finally, after such a long time, you're talking to me again

*I said with a grin on my face*

M: Why did you stop talking to me?

Mariana: I was talking to you all the time. But you didn't hear me.

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