chapter 101

714 56 20

Jorge's pov

*I arrived home and jumped on the couch. Today was special. For me and Martina too. She didn't seem nervous or scared at all. Not even when Stephie talked to her the way she did. My thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell. Who could that be? Mabye Ruggero, I haven't seen him in a while. I opened and had a lot to do to not close them again *

??: Hi Jorgie

J: Uh, come in

*She came in and took off her coat, heading to my kitchen*

S: Have you eaten yet? I will cook something if you want

J: No, I've already eaten

S: Really? Home or outside?

J: ...out

S: Alone? You could call me

J: Why are you asking me?

S: Oh, ya, you didn't eat alone. With that sunshine I met

J: You came here to agrue about this morning?

S: No, not at all, she is fine

J: Good.

*I said and sat on the chair at the dining table. She walked slowly, like a tiger which's about to attack.*

S: She is very pretty. Mabye too much.

*The last word sounded behind me. She was standidng behind me, playing with hair.*

S: ... I feel endangered.

J: I don't know why, our parents made a contract so I will end up with you one way or another.

S: A paper doesn't affirm that you won't cheat. So, to prevent that, you will have to stop meeting that sunshine

J: No way. Sorry but that's not happening.

S: Oh yeah, you will do what I say

J: She is important for me, I will never stop seeing her. Do you even know who Martina is?

S: I do, surely

J: Then you understand I can't stop.

S: Anytime you want. You can have another patient. The problem is you don't want anyone else

J: Right, I don't. What are you gonna do about that?!

S: I didn't want it to end like this.

J: Like how?!

*She leaned closer to my ear so I can hear every single syllable.*

S: Either you stop seeing her or I'll take over the control. I guess you know that my father knows Martina too.

J: You evil...

S: Say it, just do

J: You evil bitch.

S: Your bitch. Very soon my dear. Well, see you later

*She kissed me on my cheek and left. In rage, I took the mug on the table and threw it on the ground.*

S: Don't be mad, you knew this would come!

*She screamed before closing the door.*

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