chapter 5

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Jorge's pov

*I rang on the doorbell and Ruggero, my best friend opened*

R: Hey! Jorgerro reunion!

J: Hi bro, I'm here for a...

J+R: Sleepover!

*We bursted out laughing and entered the house*

J: Hi Cande

C: Hi, how are you?

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C: Hi, how are you?

J: Fine, thanks. I forgot my keys at home, can I stay here?

C: Yeah. Why didn't you call the house keeper?

J: Because I want to sleep here

C: Ugh. Next time you want a sleepover, just come. You don't have to look for reasons

J: That wouldn't be fun

R: Have you already found a job?

J: Yes, I work as a doctor in the hospital

C: Which one?

J: The Losts.

*Both of them looked really surprised at me, just like Samuel on the first day*

J: Let me guess. You think I'm not good enough

C: No no no, we are juat surprised. And who is your first patient?

J: A girl frightened of people

R: A small child? That won't be dificult

J: She is nineteen.

C: Oh. And did she let you in?

J: Not yet. I go on slowly.


J: Thanks for the sleepover guys, see you later

*I left their house and caught taxi to the hospital*

Me: Good morning

*Mercedes said as she ran after me*

J: Hi Mechita

Me: Mechiwhat?

J: I got you a nickname

Me: After one day of knowing each other, you already have a nickname?

J: Yes, I thought we'll be good friends. And Mercedes is too long for my liking

Me: Whatever you want Jorgito

J: You see, the nickname game is catching

Me: Let's go before we're late

*We've gone separted in the building, to change clothes and then met again in front of Martina's room door*

Me: Do you want to come in? You know, I can enter with breakfast and let you in too

J: No, thanks, I will get in on my own

*She gave me a smile and then disappeared behind the door*

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