chapter 13

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Jorge's pov

J: H-how do you know?

L: Diego tried to help her too

??: You're talking about me?

*We raised our heads where Diego was standing. We did our special handshake and he sat next to Lodovica. Except Diego's arrogance and Lodovica's hothead, these two fit like two pieces of puzzle. Not just by behaviour, they even look like eachother. Dark hair, brown eyes... I knew they would end up together*

 I knew they would end up together*

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D: What were you talking about?

L: Martina Stoessel

D: Why?

J: She's my patient

D: Throwing plates?

J: ... yes. But I already got some ideas. Tomorrow I can go and-

D: Stop. That's not a good idea.

J: Why not?

D: You've moved on too fast, right? That's why she did what she did. You have to give her time

J: How much?

D: Three, four days. Or more. You must give her time to think and she will perceive that you have good thoughts

J: Okay, thanks.

D: I think Martina is a nice person. Except the doll she's playing with. Does she still have a doll?

J: Yes

D: Uhm. Anyway, give her time. That's what I say

J: Thanks for your help. And what about you two? When will I get the invitation to your wedding?

*When they heard that, they started laughing*

L: No, not yet. As soon as you find a girlfriend, we will get married

J: You'll have to wait for a long time

*I said, looking at the clock*

J: I have to go now, see you later! And thanks for your help

*I said and left their house. Time... that's all I focused on during my way home. When I arrived, I layed in my bed and turned on the laptop. On the browser, I typed Martina's name. Mabye there is something on the internet. I clicked on the first link and started reading*

J: A fourteen years old girl has been found in an abandonned house. No relatives were found in the neighbourhood and noone seemed to search for little girl. After two weeks we managed her to tell her name, which is Martina Stoessel. Unfortunately, she hadn't spoken or showed up since the day she was found. Martina was considered as a person frightened of people and after three years of unsuccessful help sent to the Losts hospital.

*Why didn't I search for this before? This is awful. But will help me while I will be helping her.*

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