chapter 92

744 54 13

Martina's pov

*After my breakfast, I sat on the bed, waiting for Jorge when Mercedes came*

Me: You're done with breakfast? Good. Now, I will check your neck

*She came over and carefully removed the bandages.*

Me: Great, you will have a scar but nothing else. Just a few more days and I will completely remove the bandage

M: Thank you

Me: You have nothing to thank for... where is Jorge? He should've been here-

J: Right now! Hello my darlings

Me: You're lucky, I was about to say something about you being late

J: That's my and Martina's business

Me: 'Scuse me? I have my rights too

*He replied by pulling out a tounge. Their conversations always make me laugh*

Me: I gotta go now. Have fun with this silly head Martina

*She said and flipped her hair like a diva. I couldn't help myself and laughed*

J: This makes you laugh? Really? Not my jokes but this?

M: Sorry but you have to admit that

J: Anyway, I did a lot of thinking yesterday and-

*He was interrupted by someone knocking on the door.*

J: I'll get that

*He walked to the door and opened. I didn't see the other person's face but recognized the voice immediately*

??: Can I talk to Martina please?

J: I don't know what you'd tell her.

*Pepe's voice was quiet and shaky. Not happy as usually*

P: I want to... apologise

J: Keep away from Martina and we will be even. Okay?

*He was really about to say sorry to me.*

M: Jorge, I want to hear him

J: Hear him what

M: Say sorry.

J: Alright. But I'm not leaving you. Come here

*I came to the door and faced Pepe. Sad, tired eyes, a pout on his lips and flowers in his hand*

P: Martina! Uh... I am sorry for what I've done... I... I feel bad. Very bad bevause I hurt the only friend I have here. You don't have to answer, you dont have to forgive now. I just wanted to give you this

*Pepe said and gave me the flowers. I was so angry and touched at the same time*

P: Well... I wish you the best of luck.

M: No, Pepe. I forgive you.

P: Really?

M: ...Yes... I know it is difficult here. But try to find the right doctor, someone who understands, and everything will be great

P: Thank you

*He said and hugged me. I was very surprised. But hugged him back.*

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