chapter 42

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Martina's pov

*I was laying in my bed, looking up at the ceiling, just as every night recently. I can't sleep... and Mariana won't help me. She is already asleep. I closed my eyes and only listened to the sounds around. Suddenly, I heard a strange noise. Footsteps. Coming closer...*

M: Mariana? Wake up

*She kept sleeping... I felt my hands started shaking, I started sweating and couldn't control myself... are they coming for me again?! A dark silhouette appeared in front of my door and I became petrified. The handle turned... and the door opened slowly... I took the nearest thing, a pillow, to protect myself a bit. A person came in, I didn't see the face but instantly started screaming*

??: No no no, please, stop. It's me! Jorge!

*Wh-what is he doing here? It's late*

M: Jorge?

J: Yes, it's me

M: Th-then turn on the lights

*I said, still quite scared of who I am really talking to. He turned around and switched the lights on. Thank god, it is Jorge. He was standing in front of me in a suit.*

J: I am so sorry. You are probably wondering what I am doing here

M: Y-yes

J: I had a birthday party.

M: Did you enjoy it?

J: No, not at all. I had some... problems there

M: And... why are you here?

J: I want to be with you here. I enjoy it here more than there

M: That is why you came here in the middle of night

J: I am sorry again. Well... I guess I can't go home, they would find me there. Can I- can I sleep here? I will sleep there

*He pointed at the seat on the other side of the room.*

M: Uh...

J: I want too much, right?

M: No! You can sleep here

J: Thank you

*He smiled at me with gratitude and headed to the chair. He took off his jacket and layed on the chair*

J: Good night Martina

M: Good night.

*I stood up, turned the light off and layed back in my bed*

M: Jorge?

J: Yes?

M: Happy birthday.

*I said and closed my eyes.*

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