chapter 37

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Martina's pov

*Goosebumps were all over my back and arms but I didn't want it to stop.*

J: Do you feel uncomfortable?

M: N-yes.

*Quickly, he moved his hand away and placed it in his pocket*

J: Sorry. Well... let's start working...

Jorge's pov

*Me and Martina were doing our work until my phone started ringing. Martina was shocked at first, since it's the first time she hears this. I used to keep the phone in the changing room but from the time my mother is ill, I always carry it with me*

J: Sorry, I-

*I took up the phone and looked at the name. Ruggero. What does he want?*

J: Can you excuse me please? Just a minute

*She nodded and I left the room.*

J: What do you want Rugge? You know I am at work now

R: Sorry, this is important

J: What? What happened? With you? My mum? Cande?

R: No, I just wanted to ask if I can invite some more friends to your birthday party

J: No! I said clearly, my family and best friends!

R: Okay, okay, chill.

J: That's it? Really? That's all? Are you kidding me Ruggero?!

R: Sorry for interrupting you. But I thought it will be less awkward and better for you

J: Awkward?

R: Yeah, because-

J: No, I don't have time for that. And don't you dare to call me in the working time. Jerk.

R: But you have to listen, I found out that-

J: Bye

*I hang up and sighed. He is insane. He had something to tell me but I ain't got time for that now. As I returned back to Martina, I turned off the notifications so noone would bother us anymore.*

J: Sorry, it won't happen again.

M: Uhm...

J: Martina, would you mind if I don't come on saturday? Because it's my birthday and my family-

M: That is okay.

J: Thank you. And my next birthday celebration, you will be there too, don't worry

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