chapter 87

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Jorge's pov

*I was sitting at Martina's bed, holding her hand and humming her a song my mum used to sing to me when I was sick. I hope she wakes up soon. All of a sudden, my hand was gripped tight. I opened my eyes and saw Martina, very tired but happy.*

J: How do you feel? No, no, don't talk, save energy

M: I am fine. Tired and my neck hurts. But fine.

J: I'll make some tests now so stay calm

M: Alright. Can you just tell me one thing?

J: Yeah

M: What happened? I remember going to the common room and that you left

J: I will tell you but don't get angry. Pepe attacked you

M: With what?

J: A string. That's why your neck hurts. You have a cut there and lost a lot of blood

M: Why do you keep helping me?

J: What do you mean

M: I didn't listen to you and believed Pepe more. And still you sat here and didn't get angry

J: I forgive you

M: Me? I don't deserve forgiveness. Not from you. Why don't you leave me here? And let me wait for a new doctor?

*I turned back at her and stared. She was confused. Noone has never been so long with her and she is questioning herself why don't I give up. How can I explain her that she is everything I have. After over seven months of work, I can't and won't give up on her. I sat back on the chair and took her hand, caressing it gently*

J: I am not like the ones before me, remember that.

*She gave me a warm smile. She was happy that she has someone. So am I. Sure, I have Rugge, Cande, Lodovica, Diego and much more but Martina isn't a friend. She is... someone I would kill for. Protect her at any cost. I didn't notice that I was getting closer to her face, until my lips touched her cheek. I kissed her right cheek and pulled away, just when her face turned red.*

M: I will listen to your opinions more from now

J: Don't forget that I'm doing this all for you. I would never say something without thinking about your health.

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