chapter 36

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Mechi's pov

*On my way to Martina's room, with breakfast I saw Jorge walking towards me, to Martina's room too. I smiled at him and waved my hand so he would notice me*

Me: Good morning Jorge. Looks you've slept well this time

J: Hi, yeah, better than yesterday.

*He smiled. Hm... mabye he has more news... but still, he didn't tell me about his mother, though I think there is something between me and him. That something is still tiny but we are moving on slowly*

Me: You have any news?

J: No

Me: Really? No news about you? Or family?

J: No... oh, yeah. I have something to tell you

Me: Really?

*I looked at him with a bit of hope. Is he going to tell me?*

J: Come to my birthday celebration on sunday, I will text you the adress tonight

Me: Oh. Okay, Thanks

*I said quite disappointed.*

J: Is something wrong?

Me: No. I am fine

J: Okay, see you later. And, can I take the food? It's for Martina, right?

Me: Y-yeah. Go and take the food.

J: Thank you

*He leaned closer, took the tray and winked at me*

J: See you then

Jorge's pov

*When I entered Martina's room, she turned at me and smiled*

M: Hi

J: Good morning, I have your breakfast here

*I said and placed the tray in front of her. She started eating as I walked around the table*

J: Is it good?

M: What

J: The food, is it good?

M: Honestly no. But I got used to it.

J: It even looks bad.

M: This is the only food I can get now. I can live with this

J: When you're ready to go out, I will take you on a normal food.

*She raised her head up to see me and asked enthusiastically*

M: Really?

J: Yeah

*She looked down at the plate, with a smile on her face*

J: And Mariana? Did she sleep well?

*Martina looked at the doll, laying on the bed*

M: Yes.

J: Uhm.

*Silence. Again, we had nothing to tell each other*

M: W-what about... your... mother?

J: Oh. She is fine. Thanks for asking

*He said and passed behind me so I could feel his cologne. Then, I felt a hand caressing my back. It was a nice, yet wierd feeling. I felt goosebumps on my back and arms but didn't want it to stop.*

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