chapter 89

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Martina's pov

*That question left me speechless. I knew the answer. The truth.*

J: Martina. Hey!

*He said and shook my arm lightly*

J: You were getting... white.

M: Uh... I...

J: No, you don't have to answer. I guess you don't feel like talking about-

M: I want to tell you.

J: Really? Alright

M: I remember that like it was yesterday. Every moment. They... no, he tortued me. Harmed me. And I was way too weak to protect myself.

*As the words came out my mouth, my face was getting wet by tears. The memories were carving in my brain, attacking my happy ones. At first I had to keep pinching myself to keep up in reality. That didn't help. I tried to come up with an advice, something that could help me not to go in pieces. Then I remembered what my mum used to say.*

J: No, please, don't you cry no more.

*He said after I rested my head on his chest.*

M: A key to happiness.

*I kept repeating as he stroke my hair and started humming a song. His voice was calm, not like his heartbeat. His heartbeat was getting faster and faster.*

J: I'll always be there for you... always be there for you...

*He sang to the melody. He will be there for me.*

M: Does it bother you?

J: This? No. I can stay like this all the day long.

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