chapter 18

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Jorge's pov

J: What happened?

*I said to the man on the other side of the phone.*

??: We've found Martina unconscious. Please-

J: Damn!

*Without answering, I ended the call and ran to the door, grabbing my jacket*

C: Where are you going?!

J: I will be right back

R: What happened?

J: Something in the hospital

Me: With Martina? I am coming with you

J: I don't need-

*Before I could react, she was standing at the door, ready to go*

J: Make yourselves comfortable here guys

*Me and Mechi ran out of the house, sat in my car and I literally raced us to the hospital.*

Me: There she is!

*We arrived at the room where Martina was laying, with her eyes closed. A nurse came up to me and pointed at her*

??: We found her a few minutes ago

*I came closer and checked her pulse*

J: Do you know how did that happen?

??: Not yet. Did she take the pills how she is supposed to?

Me: Yes, I checked it every day

*Suddenly, another nurse came in and showed me her hand full of pills*

??: Mister, we found this on the ground, under Martina's room window

Me: But... I didn't know she had thrown them out

J: Thank you for your help, now leave please.

Me: Jorge, I really didn't know-

J: Leave please, I want to be alone with Martina

Me: Call on me if you'll need anything

*She left and closed the door behind her. I pulled a chair next to Martina's bed and was about to sit down when I noticed something has changed. Something with Martina... where is her doll? It must be in her room.*

J: Mechi?

*She opened the door and looked at me hopefully*

Me: Yes?

J: Bring me Martina's doll please. It might be in her room.

*A spark in her eyes disappeared as she turned around, heading to the hallway. After a while, she came back and gave me the doll*

J: Thank you

*I said and closed the door. Sitting on the chair, I looked at the toy carefully. A normal doll, there is nothing special about it. I placed it under Martina's hand and thought*

J: Mabye I was too rude at Mechi. But you are important to me and she should've been more careful.

*I said, remembering that I left Cande and Ruggero at my house. I pulled out my phone and called Ruggero*

R: Finally! Dude, what do you think, leaving us in your apartment?

J: I'm sorry, my patient has a problem so I needed to leave. You can go home, I won't come home tonight anyway.

R: We'll go. See you later and good luck in the hospital

*I ended the call and looked at the clock. It's late. I stood up and pulled the chair on the other side of the room, not wanting to risk another dishes being thrown on me. In a blink of an eye, I fell asleep.*

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