chapter 9

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Jorge's pov

*Two days passed by and Martina's curing procedure didn't move on. I've been talking and talking, trying to involve her in the conversation but she doesn't bet an eyelid. I also noticed that she didn't look at me. Not even a single time. Now, I'm sitting in her room again, talking about a childhood memory*

J: That was the first time I got beaten up. By a girl

*I looked her and noticed that she is trying to hold her laugh in. She is really smiling because of me? That lit my heart up a bit*

J: And have I told you about my first day at school? My bag was bigger than me and I looked like a bag with legs from behind*

*I heard her giggle. Great*

J: Really, just imagine that

*She was very close to bursting out laughing but her control over reactions is good*

J: Well

*I said as I stood up, heading to the window. But like a total freak, I slipped and almost fell. I tried to be cool, to cover my embarassement, unfortunately*

J: Uh, I told you that I do silly things

*She didn't answer but laughed. In a second, she realized what she had done and covered her mouth quickly*

J: No, don't stop laughing. It was nice

Martina's pov

*Jorge stood up and headed to the window. Furtively, I followed him with my sight and saw him tripping. That was the moment when I laughed out loud. Quickly, I covered my mouth and sat with my eyes wide open*

J: No, don't stop laughing. It was nice

*He really made me laugh? That is insane.*

J: It's already six? I think it's time for me to go. Bye Martina

*He walked away and I took Mariana in my hands*

(Mariana=Martina's doll)

M: Mariana, I think I am getting better. This doctor is different from the others. And what about you? How was your day?

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