chapter 33

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Martina's pov

*I watched him sitting on my bed with his head up. He was breathing heavily, I could also see that he had tears on his cheeks. Seeing someone like this always broke my heart. And this isn't an exception. Honestly, this was worse, because Jorge is the first person I see like this since I came here... I couldn't stop myself and came closer, raised my shaking hand up and slowly touched him. When I felt his warm skin touching mine, shivers had gone through my whole body. I started stroking his hand as he opened his eyes and looked at me*

M: That... must be hard for you

*He didn't react and kept looking at our hands. At that moment, I started regretting my decision.*

J: No, it's okay

M: What is okay?

J: You don't know if touching me was the right thing.

M: How do you know?

J: I can see it in your eyes

*He said and let my hand go*

J: I admire you. You're courageous, that is important. And don't forget, never give up.

M: Do... do you think I will be free someday?

J: Yes, very soon. Together, we can do it. My mother doesn't want me to help her against her sickness. She gave up and didn't even try. You mustn't be the same, okay?

T: Okay

*He stood up and moved to the chair so I could sit on the bed.*

J: ... I thought it would come. My gandmother had cancer too. But still I wasn't ready. Wasn't ready to hear it. My mother, sickness. Death... oh... sorry. I had to tell my feeling to someone.

M: I don't mind, keep on talking. I want to hear it

*I smiled a bit, that made him happy too as he continued talking*

Mechi's pov

*I was passing Martina's door when I heard Jorge talking about... cancer? I stopped and listened for a while... his mum has cancer... that is why he looks how he looks today. When will he tell me this information?*

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