chapter 16

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Jorge's pov

*I woke up, remembering yesterday night outside with Mercedes. We had fun, I have to say. What am I gonna do today? I don't really fancy going out. When I looked around, the mess in the apartment caught my attention. I'm gonna clean the flat and then I'll see.*


*A ringing phone distracted me from cleaning. I looked at the name, seeing Mechi. I grinned and picked it up*

J: Good morning

Me: Hi Jorge, am I interrupting you?

J: No, I was going to call you. Would you like to come over? To my apartment?

Me: Just... me and you?

J: No, I will invite some of my friends too

Me: Okay, why not. After work, what about seven?

J: Alright, I will send you my adress

Me: Thank you

J: What are you doing now?

Me: I'm about to give Martina her breakfast

J: Okay, make sure she will eat it. I want her to be okay. See you at seven

Martina's pov

*A sound of the doorhandle woke me up. Mercedes entered with my breakfast and placed it on the table. She also brought my pills. She is different. Happier than usually, she couldn't stop smiling. I don't know what or who made her happy like this but I hope it will go on and Mercedes will never be sad*

Me: Good morning, enjoy your meal and don't forget the pills

*She left and I sat at the table. Hungrily, I started eating my food. This is the only thing that makes me a bit contented. After eating, I took the pills in my hands, ready to throw them out, just like the past two days.*

Ma: No! Don't throw them out

M: Why not? These tiny things are useless. And the tase is horrible

Ma: Martina, I don't think this is a good idea

M: You didn't stop me yesterday

Ma: But today I do. Look, if you don't take the pills, it won't end good.

M: No, people can't help me, this thing won't help me either.

*With those words, I threw the pills off the window.*

M: Now, what are we gonna do today?

Ma: I warned you. This is bad.

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