chapter 48

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Stephie's pov

S: If you like poker, we should play sometime. I am the best in the family

J: Yeah, I will remember that

*Jorge said drunkenly and drank another glass of alcohol. It started with cocktalis but then he started ordering tall ones and I lost count.*

J: My friends, Ruggero and Cande, they are good players too

S: Aha, all of your friends are, right?

J: No, not all.

S: And that friend you've gone to that night. Is she a good friend?

J: Hmyeah. She is amazing

S: How long do you know each other?

J: Not so long. About half a year.

S: And she lives alone?

J: ... why are you asking? It nearly looks like you are jealous

S: No, I am just curious

J: All you need to know is that she is my friend... do you want another drink?

S: No, thank you, I think it's time to go

J: Go? Okay! Let's go!

*He pulled out a wallet, payed for all the drinks mostly he drank and stood up. It took him a while to find balance but then headed to the exit. Once we were out, he opened the front seat door from his car*

J: Ladies first

S: Jorge, are you sure you want to drive?

J: Yeah, I can do this. You live near here, right?

S: Yes... alright

*I sat in and he settled on the drivers seat. I told him the adress and we headed to my house.*


*He stopped the car, right in front of the gate. We both stepped out and walked through the garden to the door*

S: Thanks, I enjoyed the evening

J: Huhm, me too. Good night

*He is so tipsy but neat. That's unbelievable. I leaned in, kissed his cheek and walked in the house. I watched him leaving the gate and stitting in the car.*

Jorge's pov

*I sat in the car and looked forward. Damn. My vision is getting blurry. I can't risk and crash my car. I stepped out, locked the car and headed home by myself. It took me half an hour but I did it and as soon as I was home, I jumped on the bed and fell asleep.*

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