chapter 40

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Jorge's pov

??: I'm sorry!

*I stared at the person standing towards me, trying to cover the embarassememnt. A brunette with blue eyes, very sharp face traits and luxurious dress was looking at me*

??: Oh, you are Jorge?

J: Yes, nice to meet you...

??: Stephie. Stephie Camarena

*I kissed her hand slightly, as a gentleman. In that moment, my mother came with a friend of hers, probably Stephie's mother*

Jm: So, you already know each other

J: Hi mum

*I hugged my mother*

J: Yes, we've just met

Sm: Nice to meet you Jorge

J: The honor on my side madame

Jm: We will go now, have fun

*They walked away and left me and Stephie alone*

J: I have to now, but I'm sure we'll meet again tonight

S: See you later

*She said and left. After meeting five more girls, Mechi came over*

Me: Jorge, can we talk?

J: Yes

*We went to the kitchen, where noone else was*

Me: Ehm... are you okay?

J: Yeah. I've had better parties though.

Me: And... some news?

J: No.

Me: Jorge... why don't you tell me the truth?

J: What?

Me: Your mother is ill

J: ... and?

Me: You didn't tell me. Why?

J: Because I am trying not to think about that

Me: You still didn't tell me why.

J: I don't know why. Mabye because I didn't want you to be worried

Me: So instead of telling me, you said it to Martina, thinking she wouldn't worry?

J: I... but I did it for a reason Mechi

Me: I thought we are friends. Sometimes I felt like we have more... so I am asking you. Are we more than just friends?

J: I-I don't know. I have so many things to do and-

Me: And you don't feel anything to me.

J: I don't know!

*I said and looked at her. She was on the edge of bursting in tears. I took her hand and looked directly in her eyes.*

J: I really like you but don't feel like dating with you. You know we've tried. But there was always someone who interrupted us. And that is not just a coincidence.

Me: Let me go

*I did as she said and she ran away in tears. Great.*

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