chapter 27

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Martina's pov

*As soon as Jorge left, I jumped up and started laughing like crazy. Mariana was looking at me wierdly as I realized what I am doing.*

M: What? I am happy. Oh, finally, I am so proud of myself. And when I started talking, I felt so good. Really. When I talked to Jorge, it was different from previous doctors... because he has something. But I can't explain what... have you seen how close Mercedes and Jorge were? How they looked at each other. That is something I want to feel too. Someday, with someone.*

Jorge's pov

*Me and Mechi arrived at a café and sat at an empty table.*

Me: This is a nice place

J: Yeah, my favorite

Me: So, how is it going with Martina?

J: Brilliant! She is seriously the best. I know how hard it is for her, but she tries and tries

Me: Aha...

J: She talked to me today

Me: Wait, really? That is amazing! I've been her nurse for two years now and we still didn't talk

J: She is a fighter.

*After my sentence, I heard my name being shouted from the door. Me and Mechi turned that way and saw Cande with Ruggero. They waved at us and headed to our table*

C: Good evening guys!

Me: Hi

R: Can we join you?

J: Actually we-

C: Thanks, we have something very important

*They sat at the table and ordered while me and Mechi looked at each other helplessly*

R: It's your birthday soon Jorge, we need to throw a party!

J: Ruggero, a normal birthday party, okay? I don't want to celebrate in your style

C: Yeah, firstly we need a number of guests

J: Well, me, you two, Mechi, Lodo, Diego...

Me: Me too?

J: Yeah, obviously. And if you want, you can take a friend with you

Me: Thank you for an invitation

J: I thank you... and count on my parents too... 

R: Your parents? Really? You don't want to have fun?

J: Rugg, I can't just skip my parents

R: Then make two parties

J: No, I have time only for one celebration

C: You take your work seriously

J: Uhm. I love that place. Especially when I help someone like Martina.

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