chapter 120

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Stephie's pov

*He was looking at me so calmly and confidingly. His green eyes had the same sparkle as the first day we met. But it wasn't for me. The sparkle has always been there for her. Seven years of holding the anger and pain inside me poured out.*

S: Her mother knew what noone else in the world did. She knew I am not biologically my parents' child. My real mom died when I was born and my father was killed in a car accident. Caused by Martina. She was a spoiled brat and wanted to try driving at night so badly. Her mother let her sit behind the wheel and that's when my father died. Those two survived.

J: I didn't know that

S: My father had a friend who took care of me with his wife. But Mariana was so curious and couldn't help herself. She wanted to take me away from them, to the orphan house. She bothered us with that for two years! My new dad couldn't stand her and did what he did. Killed Mariana and left Tini alone. Now, after so many years she shows up and wants to take you away from me. And I am not gonna let it happen.

*He embraced me and rubbed my back. This was our first hug and I could feel he really meant it. When we pulled back, he looked at Martina who wanted to say something.*

M: Stephie, I don't remember anything from that night. But I want to say that I am sorry. I would do anything to fix it.

*She was looking at me with sorrow. But that feeling didn't move with me. I've been waiting for this moment for so long.*

S: Oh, that's sad. But I ain't buying it. I've been waiting too long for this moment. And you won't change a thing. I always knew I am the bad one. But being bad is so much fun.

Jorge's pov

*Just when I thought everything will be alright, Stephie took the knife on the table and headed to Tini furiously. I caught her in time and turned her around so I could see her face*

J: Listen to me. I know how it hurts. I know you hate the person who did this all to you. But commiting a crime won't solve it. If you really love me as you said, calm down and ler her go.

S: Yeah, so you can run away too and leave me alone so you can live with her?! Another person will be luckier than me?! Not this time!

*With those words, she stabbed the knife in my arm and the ache flowed through my arm. I could only see my suit turning red and blur. Then I heard Martina and... people shouting and... Mechi. I blinked a few times and saw the police dragging Stephie away, while Mechi was untying Martina. As soon as she could stand up, she ran to me*

M: Jorge! You hear me?!

Me: Stay there, I will find-

J: ... something to cover it.

Me: Sure

J: Come on Martina, help me to stand up please

*She helped me to get on my feet again, just when Mercedes came with a cloth.*

Me: I already called the ambulance. Mister Camarena is at the police station and Stephie is going there too.

J: Thank you so much. For everything.

Me: Don't thank me. You called me and told me what to do. I just did my job. Anyway, I'll be waiting outside.

*She said and left me and Martina alone.*

M: Come, we need to get to the hospital as soon as possible.

J: I am okay

M: You arm is bleeding. No it is not okay and I am so worried about you

J: Looks like you will be my doctor now

M: I just want to see you healthy again.

*She muttered and dragged me to the exit*

J: Wait wait.

M: Hm?

J: I love you Martina.

M: Call me Tini. And I love you too. I have been waiting six years for someone. Just when I thought my life was over, you came. And I don't know how but... you became something I can't be without.

J: I won't be without you. And you won't be without me. Never again.

*She said before I pressed my lips on hers. Seven months worth this moment. She finally found love again. And so did I.*


Hi! This is the end of this story, I hope you liked it because I did. It was a pleasure to write this sory because it was different from the others. This is the longest story I have written so I hope you didn't get bored of it. And thank you for reading it because, what would a story be without readers? Thank you again and ILY ❤

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