chapter 29

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Martina's pov

*I kept looking out until the door opened and Jorge came in, catching his breath*

J: Sorry, I-eh, I overslept and- and ran from the parking which is- over three hundered metres away. Good morning

M: Good morning

*A smile appeared on his face as he sat on the chair.*

J: I still can't believe how brave you are

M: I am doing my best.

*I said, sitting up on the bed, pulling Mariana close to me.*

M: My-my hands are still shaking when I talk

J: Yeah, I see... what about Mariana? Do you talk to her?

*He said, looking at me with a kind face. I turned at Mariana, begging her for an opinion. She didn't say anything, just nodded her head. What is happening to her? She had never been like this before...*

Jorge's pov

*She looked at Mariana and watched her. Martina was looking at the doll without saying a word. I studied her face expressions and it looks like... she is listening to the doll. Like Mariana is able to talk. Who knows what is going on in Martina's head. After a silent minute, she turned back and nodded*

M: Yes

J: And she talks back to you?

M: Y-yes. Mostly.

J: Mostly?

M: Uhm.

J: When didn't she talk to you?

*Of couse I know when. But I want to hear it from her. She has to tell it. But I got no answer.*

J: Okay, mabye we were moving on too fast again. Let's start our work.


J: Good night

*I closed the door behind me and got shocked at my sight. My parents. What are they doing here?*

Jm: Good evening Jorge

Jd: Finished work?

J: Yes, that's all for today

Jm: You work here? Let me see

*My mother wanted to look through the window at Martina but I was fast enough to stop her. I am sure Martina would notice and go crazy*

J: No! Ehm... what brings you here?

Jd: Tomorrow, come to our house at three

J: Why?

Jm: Please, come and have some tea with us

J: No, I have to work at three

Jd: Then take a day off

J: That isn't possible

Jm: Do it for us. Just once.

*With those words, they left. What do they want this time?*

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