chapter 10

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Jorge's pov

*Yesterday was great, she finally laughed. That's the reason why I'm full of excitement, I swear I would run one mile now, my energy crossed the limit for like three times. I knocked on the door and entered, seeing Martina at the table with her breakfast*

J: Good morning sweetie, let's start.

*She didn't answer but kept eating her bread while looking at the doll which was laying in front of Martina*

J: That is a nice doll.

*I said, coming closer*

J: Would yoh mind borrowing me it?

*She shook her head and held the toy tight*

J: Come on Martina, just for a minute, I will give it back

*Once again, she shook her head. I was standing right behind her and raised my hand, trying to take it away. Her impulse was so fast that she turned around and threw a plate on me*

Martina's pov

*I saw a hand next to me, trying to take Mariana away. I was so shocked, he was so close. Fear. That's all I felt in that moment. I raised up an empty plate and threw it on him. He dodged quicky and looked at me shocked. With no control, I kept on throwing every object near me on him.*

J: Can you-

*I started yelling and threw more and more things until he was out. When I heard the door shut I stopped, slowly realizing what just happened. I did it again. No. This can't be true. I am falling apart.*

M: Mariana, I swear, I did it to protect you. I am not crazy, really, please forgive me. He called you a doll but I promise, everything will be fine.

*I sat on the bed, holding Mariana close, as much as I could. Tears started streaming down my face as Mercedes came in to clean the floor from the broken plate and other dishes in silence.*

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