chapter 91

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Jorge's pov

*Her father had the tiger head ring on. I have seen the ring in their house once, but didn't really pay attention to it. After what Martina told me today, the tables have turned. He is the main suspect.*

Jd: Have a seat

*They sat down, except Stephie who went to the kitchen to help my mother. She wants extra credits.*

Sd: Sit down Jorge, you make us feel uncomfortable

*I sat on the chair and listened to their conversation. There was nothing interesting. Until they started talking about work*

Jd: Yeah, I remember our first deal. So much paperwork

*They laughed as I got in the conversation smoothly*

J: When was your first business with my father mister Camarena?

Sd: Four or five years ago

J: And, what was your job before that?

*He tried to cover the reaction, but I am a psychologist. I know the ways. He had an answer. But something else came up on his mind with it.*

Sd: My job was the same.

J: Did you have a lot of business partners before my father?

Sd: Yes, I guess

J: And didn't have a problem with them?

Sd: Why are you asking me such questions son?

J: Well, you are sucessful so I wanted to know if there is someone who had a different opinion than you

Sd: Well... no, all my sales were positive

*An obvious lie. He was sweating and didn't dare to make an eye contact with me*

J: Okay. Oh, you have a nice ring. Where did you buy it?

Sd: In Europe. I think it's from Spain

J: It looks old. When was that?

Sd: I don't remember that, sorry

J: That's okay, I was just curious.

*Then I let my father talk to them again. I pulled out my phone and searched for the business archive. Then I looked for the Camarena company and got the answer. Six years ago. Martina was found five months later.*

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