chapter 62

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Jorge's pov

*I arrived at Martina's room and entered. But what I saw was... it shocked me. Again.*

J: Martina, what happened, are you okay?

*I said, placing my hand on her red cheek. I felt my hand getting wet from the tears which came from her eyes.*

M: ... no. I am not okay.

J: And can you tell me who did it?

*She took a deep breath between her sobs and whispered very quietly*

M: It was her.

J: Mariana?

*Martina nodded and burried her head in her hands*

J: You don't feel well around her.

M: Uhm...

J: It's been a long time since this started, right?

M: Yes...

J: I can-I can take her away if you want. If it makes you feel better.

M: No, don't do that. She is my friend.

J: Are you sure? Because, she is being bad to you. And I want you to feel safe.

*If I keep the doll near Martina, it won't end good. Her brain is going the opposite way than it should.*

M: No. That's okay. I will do it somehow.

J: I think today's plans I made will have to wait.

M: Yeah. Thank you

*She said and hugged me. I was surprised at first but then embraced her too. I wanted to hold her as close as I could, but I was scared of holding her tighter. Martina is a little porcelain princess, which I don't want to lose. After half a minute Martina still hasn't calmed down and kept sobbing uncontrollably. So I kissed her forehead lightly, which made her stop.*

J: Martina, are you feeling a bit better?

*She didn't answer. Didn't even make a move. I looked down and found her sleeping. She sobbed herself to sleep. I raised her up and gently placed her on the bed. Then I took up the doll*

J: Sorry but you are making us big troubles.

*I turned around, placed the toy on the table and sat on the chair, watching Martina in her sleep.*

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