chapter 41

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Jorge's pov

*I returned to the living room and Stephie stopped me as soon as she got to me with two glasses of alcohol*

S: Happy birthday

*She gave me one and we did a toast.*

S: So, this is what you wanted? This celebration is your style?

J: Well... yes, it's nice...

S: Really? Because I guess you'd like a party with loud music, burgers and dance

J: You got it right. But what wouldn't I do for my parents.

S: I know what you're talking about. Looks like we have more in common than we expected. Do you want to go somewhere else? It's quite crowded here

*I was looking around, looking for my parents but instead, I found Mechi standing away from the others, while Cande was there too, trying to calm Mercedes down. I can't leave it like this.*

J: Firstly I have to do something. I'll be back in a minute

S: I'll be waiting in the hall

*I headed to Mechi as fast as I could, to prevent people from talking and impeding me. But someone was faster and held my shoulder*

J: What do you want Ruggero?

R: This party is nothing for me. Let's go to the bar or another, more interesting place

J: Ruggero I can't. As I already said a milion times. I am here for my parents.

*With those words, I continued walking in Mechi's direction.*

J: Mechi, can we talk?

Me: No, not now Jorge

J: But-

*And she was gone. Instead, my father appeared*

Jd: Come Jorge, I will introduce you to-

J: No, I-

*I saw Stephie in the corner of my eye waving at me as a sign that she is waiting. Damn. So many things going on here*

Jd: Come!

R: Jorge! Come with me!

*Ruggero screamed. Parents, Mechi, Ruggero and Stephie! I can't handle this! Ugh! And the worst is that none of these people understand my needs. Now I just want to disappear and go on one place.*

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