chapter 94

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Jorge's pov

*Me and Martina were talking, when Mechi came in with a tray*

Me: Lunch is here Martina

M: Thank you

*She placed the tray on the table with a smile*

Me: You should go too Jorge

J: Right. Eat your lunch Martina, I will go get something for me and bring sweets for you

Me: I'm afraid not

J: Why not?

Me: You have a... guest. In your room

J: Really? Okay, I'm coming.

*I left Martina's room and headed to my cabinet. Who could it be? As I opened the door, I had to closed my eyes. No. I hope this is just a nightmare.*

??: Hi Jorgie

*Shephie said and I entered the room*

S: I brought you lunch

J: I didn't please you for lunch. Thank you. Now you can go

*I stepped aside and left her space for leaving. But she just raised her eyebrows and sat on the chair with a smile*

S: You're having a bad day?

J: No

S: I did nothing bad. You have no reason to kick me out

J: Alright. Stay here

*I grumbled and sat on my chair, pulling out a lunch box*

J: Now, what is the real reason why you came?

S: I just brought my boyfriend a lunch, nothing more

J: Boyfriend? Really? I ain't your boy sweetie.

S: Yeah, I forgot. Fiancé is the right word

*I almost spit the food after hearing it. I know Stepgie is not alright but this. This is insane*

J: Can I hear that once again? No, don't. You hit your head or what?

S: Yeah, sure. And my head hit these papers

*She pulled out some papers from her bag and placed them in front of me. I read them quickly and couldn't believe. This is our prenuptial contract.*

J: You came up with this?

S: No, but I signed it, with pleasure

J: Is this some kind of a joke?

S: No, it isn't.

J: That's sick. I am not marrying you!

S: Oh, of course you are. Your name is here, mine is over there.

J: We barely know each other!

S: Who cares?

J: You need my signature, it won't be valid without my sign.

S: You already signed it. Well, your father did it for you

J: Get out.

S: What?

J: Now!

S: Okay

*She stood up and walked closer to me. So close that I felt her lips at my ear.*

S: We're getting married in three weeks hun.

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