chapter 38

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Jorge's pov

*I opened my eyes, seeing nothing. Still too early to get up. Ugh. I found the phone on my nightstand and turned it on. Half past two in the morning. Great. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep more otherwise I will be tired at work...*


*As soon as I woke up, my eyes darted on the clock. Damn. Already nine! I'm late again! After ten minutes spent by getting ready to leave, my phone started ringing. I took it up in a hurry, not knowing who it is*

J: Hello

??: Hi Jorge

J: Dad, I am in a hurry now, call me-

Jd: It's saturday. You're not going to work right?

*Oh. It's saturday. I am not going to work today.*

J: Yeah. I... I'm going to meet Ruggero now. That's why I'm in a hurry.

Jd: I just want you to wear... suitable clothes and come at seven to our house. Also, tell your friends to dress up differently than normal

J: Suitable... you mean formally. Really? Formal clothes?

Jd: Your mother's wish

J: ... Okay. I'll be there at seven.

Jd: See you

*He said and hang up. Well... those ten minutes were useless. And I have nine free hours. I'll call Rugge and Mechi, to tell them which clothes to wear... as I scrolled down the contacts, I stopped at L, seeing Lodovica. Oh no. I totally forgot about them! Aren't I a great friend? Really. I dialed her number and waited*

L: Hello Jorge

J: Hi Lodo, eh... you and Diego have time tonight?

L: No sorry, we're in Italy. Something happened?

J: No, nothing. Well, have fun in Italy

L: Thank you and happy birthday. You wanted to invite us to your birthday party tonight, right?

J: ...Yeah, I wanted to

L: You have birthday the next year too

J: Obviously yes. Thank you for the wishing and have fun in Italy

L: Bye!

*That was awkward... who did I want to call? Oh, Rugge and Mechi.*


*The time has passed quickly, I'm already preparing myself to the party. I checked myself for the last time in the mirror. A shirt, tie and a black jacket, just how my parents want. Black jeans and comfortable shoes, just how I want. Let's go and survive this night.*

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