chapter 78

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Jorge's pov

*It's been an hour and I'm still sitting here, watching Martina with Pepe. They are having a good time, I think. Martina laughed from time to time. What is that guy? He made her laugh one or two days after they met, while I worked on our relationship for more than half a year... that is not fair. And makes me jealous.*

??: Hello Jorge

J: Hello Samuel

Sa: Why are you alone?

J: I let Martina have some free time-

Se: Yeah, I see, she is there

*He said and pointed at Martina*

J: Yeah

Sa: Looks like she has a friend, Pepe

J: Yes. How do you know his name?

Sa: You don't know who her friends are? Pepe is my patient

*I should've expected that. Damn it. I told myself I wouldn't leave her alone with his guy. And failed. Damn!*

J: Uhm. What is his psychical problem?

Sa: I shouldn't be talking about it but since those two are friends, you should know

J: So?

Sa: He is a killer

J: He killed who?

Sa: You want too much from me

J: Tell me. He is Martina's friend.

Sa: His family

J: You mean...

Sa: All of them.

*No. I am not gonna let Martina meet him again. He is a freak*

J: Okay... now excuse me

*I said and walked over to the Martina-Pepe duo*

J: Martina, I think we should go, I have some plans prepared for us

P: But we are having fun

J: But we have to go, bye

*I helped Martina to get up, took her hand and headed to the exit*

M: Why did you do that?

*She asked quietly. I opened the gate and stepped in the hospital*

J: I have some plans for today

M: What plans?

J: Play games

M: Can't that wait until tomorrow?

J: Then we can do anything else

M: I want to come back there

J: No Martina, whatever but just don't want from me to take you back

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