chapter 116

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Jorge's pov

M: Am I...excess here?

J: No, not at all. Let's just move you from the guest room to my room.

M: Jorge, I think-

J: No, I invited you first. That means you are staying. Come on, the dinner is nearly ready.

M: I'll prepare the plates.

*We sat at the table in silence and waited for Stephie. When she sat down too, she stared at Martina hatefully, which only I noticed.*

M: Enjoy your meal

J: Thank you

*We ate in silence, until Stephie opened her mouth and ruined the moment.*

S: So, Jorgie, I hope you invited this sunshine to our wedding

*I looked at Martina who had her head hanged down, playing with the fork...*

J:, how was your day?

S: I really need you to go choose the rings with me.

J: Can we-

S: And I already sent the invitations

J: I want to talk about anything else.

S: Why? I-

M: Uhm, I'm done with my food. I guess I'll go to sleep now. Good night

S: Sleep tight sunshine

*Martina stood up, and walked to my room quietly. She even locked herself.*

S: Where are you going?

J: To take a shower. Wash the dishes when you're done please. Thanks.

*I closed myself in the shower and spent ten minutes trying to believe the situation in my flat now. When I left the bathroom, Stephie was sitting on the couch, waiting for me.*

J: I am going to sleep now, excuse me

S: I have some-

J: Please. I am tired Stephie. Can we talk later please?

S: Well... okay. I love you

*She stood up and kissed my cheek. Then she went to her room. I knocked on Martina's door to check out she is alright.*

M: Who's there?

J: Jorge. Can I come in?

M: Sure

*I walked in, closed the door and sat on the bed next to her.*

J: How are you feeling?

M: Good, why?

J: I thought-

M: That I am sad? No, I am happy that you will marry someone who loves you. And you love her, I guess

J: I don't know why she came but I was as surprised as you

M: I don't get why don't you stop the marriage if you don't love her

J: I am trying to find a way

M: You will break her heart if you don't do it in time

*I could clearly see that she was jealous.*

J: ...I will tell you something I never told anyone. There is no place for Stephie in my heart. Someone else is there

M: Mechi? I am happy to hear that

J: ... no. Not Mechi.

*I said and raised her head up a bit, as she kept avoiding the eye contact.*

J: Look at me Martina

*Her eyes looked in mine slowly, and I couldn't get enough of her beautiful brown eyes. I didn't realize we were getting closer, neither did she. Until she leaned her forehead against mine. All my senses turned off as she didn't resist anymore and pressed her lips on mine. And we kissed.*

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