chapter 117

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Martina's pov

*This key moment. The long lasting moment though it felt like a second. I felt so much passion and love inside. My first kiss. It feels so wrong but I couldn't keep it in anymore. When our lips separated, I started realizing everything. He just took my hand and looked at me*

J: I think this clarified everything. Now we just have to say it in words.

M: I... I don't know what to say.

J: Say what you feel

M: I am not sure about what I feel. I won't deny that I have feelings for you. But I don't want to lose you. Everyone I ever loved died.

J: No, that is not gonna happen. But you don't have to say anything now.

*He said as he layed us down, resting my head on his chest*

J: Good night sweetheart.

M: Good night.


*I was half asleep when I felt him standing up and leaving the bedroom. I didn't care until I heard voices. I stood up, tiptoed to the door and listened.*

J: Stephie I-

S: No! I am furious! I told you to stop seeing her and you didn't listen to me!

J: It is my decision-

S: You refused preparing the wedding things and left it all to me because of Martina!

J: That-

S: I told you to listen to me. You know what my father did and still insist on seeing her? My father commited a crime and you are the best friend of his target?!

J: Quiet. We don't want to wake everyone up, don't we?

S: By everyone you mean Martina, right? Oh. She doesn't know. She doesn't know your future father in-law is her mother's killer... interesting.

*I was stunned. Nobody told me about this. I wasn't ready to hear that. I could feel the tears coming up but has to stay focused. I can't break down. I have to stay still and do something. Quietly, I dressed up and sneaked out to the door. Then I ran out. The tears were streaming down my face but I had to stay strong. Don't stop.*

Jorge's pov

*I was trying to stop Stephie from yelling when I heard the door click. Oh no. I ran to my room but it was empty. She heard us.*

S: What is that? Martina heard the truth and ran?

J: Shut up

*I ran out as fast as I could and looked around. There I saw her. On the other side of the street.*

J: Martina! Stop!

*She didn't listen to me and continued walking away*

J: Martina! Please!

*Not even a second of doubt.*

J: Tini!

*That made her stop. She turned around and looked at me, crying her eyes out.*

M: What!

J: Come back. I will explain you everything

M: How do you want to explaing you've been so close to the killer the whole time?! You knew it and didn't tell me!

J: Martina, I love you. From the bottom of my heart. Come back to me and I will tell you everything. I promise.

*She doubted and thought for a long time, but in the end sighed and ran towards me. But before she could be in my arms, a fast black shadow took her away.*

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