chapter 86

709 58 21

Martina's pov

*I opened my eyes to nowhere. All I see is black, and all I smell is mildew and... iron. My wrists, ankles, head... everything hurts. Until I realized that I'm tied up. Why am I tied up? Why is it so dark here? Am I in the hospital?! The sweat started covering my body as the door opened, and someone came in. I wasn't able to see who came, but the footsteps were getting closer and closer. Until I could feel the cold breath on my back. I didn't move, didn't dare to talk.*

??: You're finally awake

*A man. His voice was low and harsh, like a thunderstorm*

??: I was getting worried. You were unconscious quite long, little girl

M: W-who are you?

*I asked quietly, my voice cracked.*

??: That is not important, you should know why you're here.

*The man walked in front of me, but I still couldn't see his face. The only thing that was seen on him was a golden ring. Tiger head.*

??: You were born in a messed up family, you know that?

*He said and reached out on the table for something. I couldn't focus in anything else than his hand. It scared me more than anything so far.*

??: And now you have to pay for your parent's mistakes

*After that sentence, terrific pain stroke my right arm. And I could feel blood streaming down my skin.*

??: Come on, that was just the start

*He didn't even finish the sentence and cut me again. This time my left wrist. I screamed out, but noone heard. Noone will ever hear it. I'm just screaming in my head.*

M: ... why do you do this?

*I asked with all the power left in me. He walked closer, and not long after I could feel the tip of the knife on my thigh*

??: This is business.

*He responded and stabbed me. Hopelessly, I screamed for help, begged for mercy and cried my eyes out. The man didn't listen. But someone else did. The room started getting lighter. I could also hear a voice. Deep, calming voice, humming a melody. Suddenly, the light brightened the whole room.*


*I opened my eyes to a white ceiling. I am in the hospital. But the calming voice, it was still here. I turned my head and saw Jorge sitting next to me, next to my bed with his eyes closed, humming a melody. His hand was holding mine carefully, making small circles with his thumb. I gripped his hand tight, making sure this is real, and it's never gonna end.*

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