chapter 110

711 61 15

Martina's pov

*I remembered everything what happened. But it was hard for me to form it to sentences.*

M: It's been two days. I've been in the hose alone for two days without food. I only drank water from the water tap in the kitchen and I don't think that was the cleanest water

J: You were there all alone, right? Why didn't you leave the house?

M: I was frightened. I tried but wasn't able to go further than to the gate. I guess that's when my fear started. I saw someone just... one hundered feet away from me and I ran back in.

J: Do you have a clue who found you?

M: I don't know... mabye someone had seen me and called the police.

J: What happened then?

M: It took them a while but then they came with food. I couldn't resist and ate it. Then I fell asleep. Of course, they mixed the sleeping pills in the food.

J: You woke up in the hospital?

M: Yes. I was in shock for good ten minutes. When I got up, I saw people watching me and the fear had gone beyond the limits. I started screaming and... kicking everyone who tried to calm me down. So they put another dose in me. They gave me my room and I didn't let anyone in. I was closed there, the burses had to wait until I'm asleep so they could come in and give me food.

J: They didn't help you in any way

M: No. They tried to.

J: What about education? You were a teenager

M: Sometimes a book or a paper was on my table so I could read and learn. Anyway, they spent three years of studying me and couldn't help.

J: So they gave you sleeping pills and moved you here

M: Exactly.

*My cheeks and hands were wet from my tears. After what I told him, after revealing a part of my terrible past, he didn't hesitate and pulled me closer. He placed my head on his chest and rubbed my back gently.*

J: Thank you for telling me. I know it was hard, to talk about that. But it's all out. Don't you feel better?

M: Yeah, honestly, I feel better.

J: Don't forget that you're so strong. Look at yourself. You'll be living your life again. Just a few weeks.

*He said before kissing my forehead gently.*

M: I wish everyone on the Earth was like you.

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