chapter 8

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Jorge's pov

*Finally I came to work with pleasure, knowing Martina will let me talk to her. I knocked on the door and waited for her to open. The door handle turned, I got in and close the door. Martina was sitting one her bed, with the doll, playing as if I wasn't there.*

J: Good morning

*I got no answer. Instead, she kept playing*

J: I came here to get my answer. Do you want to help yourself? Are you able to accomplish your will?

*Martina stopped playing and got in her thoughts. Then she raised her head and nodded shyly*

J: Great, I think we have long way to go so let's begin.

*I said as I walked a bit closer. Surprisingly, she didn't stop me from doing that and sat on her place, without doing any move. She was focusing on her will. Her rivet lasted 'til I was standing at the bed. That's the moment when she moved away with fear seeable in her eyes.*

J: Good job

*I said and sat on the chair. Mabye I should talk about something different than her disease so she will decompress a bit*

J: You are from Buenos Aires, right?

*She nodded and I kept on talking*

J: I am from Mexico, Guadalajara. It took me a while to remember how the name is being spelled

*I laughed but she kept staring to the ground*

J: ... there are so many reasons why I love Mexico but one of the best things are tacos. That's what I always do after flying to my homeland. I buy food.

*The next thirty minutes, I talked about totally random things, just to decompress her. Mabye from now on, she thinks that I belong in the madhouse*

Martina's pov

*Jorge was talking and talking but I didn't really listen to him. I was thinking about my aim. When he was so close, I felt so... wierd... he is the first one who came close without using force. That means he will help me. I hope.*

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