chapter 90

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Jorge's pov

J: Do you want me to stay over night?

M: No, that isn't necessary. I can take care of myself.

J: If you wish so. See you tomorrow.

*I came over, hugged her for one last time and left. As I sat in my car, the phone in my pocket started ringing. I answered after my father's ID flashed on the screen.*

J: Hi

Jd: Hello Jorge, me and your mother, we've been to the hospital and I have to say she is getting worse and worse.

J: You are at home now?

Jd: Yes but-

J: I'll be there in a minute

*Without giving him opportunity to answer, I hang up and drove to my parents' house. Mother opened and I greeted her with a hug*

Jm: Your father called you?

J: Yes. He didn't tell you?

Jm: No, I was expecting Stephie with her family

J: ...Stephie will come too?

Jm: Yeah

*I had urge to murder someone. Mostly myself.*

Jm: Come in

*I came in and headed to the living room.*

J: So, you've been to the hospital. What did they say?

Jm: That is not what I want to talk about now. What about Stephie?

J: What what about her?

Jm: Do you think she might be the one?

J: Mum, don't change the subject. What did the doctor say?

*She remained quiet for a while but then answered confidently*

Jm: ne month.

J: ONE? How can you say that so confidently?

Jm: Listen, I am barely keeping myself on my legs, and life requires so many responsibilities. I can't wait to be gone, I will finally have some rest.

J: You can't think like that. What about dad and me?

Jm: I'm not worried about you two. But, just hurry up with finding someone.

J: It seems like I will end up with Stephie. Father adores her. And her family.

Jm: The decision can't be based on anyone else's opinion

J: When I find someone special, I will introduce her to you. She will be standing next to me, hand in hand.

Jm: I can't wait till that day.

*Just when I thought everything would be okay, the door bell rang. It's her.*

J: I will go

*I returned back to the door where Stephie and her parents were standing.*

J: Good evening, come in

*They entered and walked to the living room.*

Jd: Hello!

*My father said as he stood up and shook hands with Mr. Camarena. There it was. Her father had the ring on his finger.*

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