chapter 119

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Jorge's pov

*When I arrived at the garden, I saw the aisle, the decorations, and a priest. And Stephie in her wedding dress. The music started playing when I walked further. There I saw her. Martina was sitting in the first row, looking forward. When I ran off the red carpet, two men caught me before I could do anything. They dragged me to the aisle, in front of Stephie.*

J: Martina, are you alright? Didn't they do anything?

S: Oh dear, she has been treatened like a princess. She had her own room, food and a bathroom.

J: Great, thank you for taking care of her, now we can leave

S: Not that fast. We are getting married

J: Why?

S: Don't you see? A perfect day to celebrate!

J: The wedding was supposed to be-

S: I know but we can have two weddings. One now and the other one with all the guests and so on

J: Wait wait. What do you want to do with Martina?

*I said glancing at Tini. She was sitting there with tears all over her face and a sad frown.*

S: I am giving her a lesson. She didn't learn anything from her past.

J: Why is she here? In this situation?

S: Toruring her is an old style. This hurts more. Physical pain is nothing compared to what she feels now. A nightmare. Mabye worse. Seeing someone she truly loves, seeing you, leaving.

J: Stephie, you know I don't have feelings for you. Please, if there is a tiny bit of mercy in you. Let us go.

S: Why should I do that? She ruined my life!

J: No, she-

S: Yed she did! You don't know everything about this kid from the madhouse!

J: Hey, don't talk like that. Guys. Let me go. I won't go anywhere.

*The men let me go as I walked closer to Stephie*

S: She took my everything! My childhood, father and wants you too. I love you Jorge, I really do!

J: Come on, first tell me what happened.

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