chapter 43

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Martina's pov

*I woke up and looked at the chair, where Jorge was laying. I think this had happened before. A deja-vu. Not long after, he woke up too and streched*

J: Good morning

M: Hi

J: You've slept well?

M: Yes. Was the chair comfortable?

J: Better than being on the celebration. I like it here

M: What was the reason why you came?

J: The party wasn't how I expected it to be. I wanted to have fun but instead, I had duties.

M: Well, I hope you enjoyed the party here

J: I did. Now excuse me please, I will go and transform myself in an adequate outfit

*He smiled at me and then left the room*

M: Mariana, are you awake?

Ma: Yeah

M: I can hear you again? Great!

Ma: Tini, I don't think this is a good idea

M: Huh? You wanted me to give him a chance and now it's not a good idea?

Ma: I realized something.

M: What

Ma: He will separate us.

M: I don't understand why you're like this...

Ma: Jorge wants to take me away. As soon as possible.

M: It has to happen some time. We wanted him to help me, right?

Ma: I was wrong okay? We can't separate.

M: But... I want to-

Ma: Think about that. I am your friend Tini...

*She was looking at me sadly, so was I. When I was about to say something, the door flew open and Jorge came.*

J: Sorry it took so long, I am- oh. Why so sad?

M: No, nothing

J: Are you sure? You can tell me

*I looked at Mariana who had a blank expression on her face*

M: Really, it's nothing

J: Okay, but remember you can tell me everything

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