chapter 21

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Jorge's pov

Me: What are you doing?

*I jumped up surprised, looking at confused Mercedes*

J: A part of my job

Me: Stalking? Okay...

*She was about to walk away but I stopped her, hoping she isn't mad at me*

J: Mechi, you know that Martina has hallucinations?

Me: Yes, I know that she talks to her doll.

J: So... we can say... that she is a... schizophrenic?

Me: Yeah. You can call it like that.

J: And does she talk to more people? You know what I mean... if she sees more fictional people

Me: Except the doll, I've never seen her talking to anyone

J: Thanks... and I am sorry for being mean at you

Me: I get it, Martina is important to you

J: That reminds me that I left her alone, see you later. And you can take a day off, I will take care of her

Me: Really? Thank you

*I gave her a smile and walked inside Martina's room*

J: I am back

*I said, walking to the same place where I stood a while ago, to the edge of her bed.*

J: Before we start working, I am sorry for what happened a few days ago. That I wanted to take Mariana away.

*She looked at her doll confused, wondering how do I know her name*

J: And I am also sorry for calling her a doll. I feel so stupid for that. Mariana is your friend and I offened her. I will never do that mistake again. But please tell me, was I the first one to offend Mariana?

*She shook her head with gloom on her face*

J: But I am here. And I promise that I won't leave until you are okay. Really. Because I'm not like them. I don't give up.

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