chapter 15

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Jorge's pov

J: Good evening

*I said, pulling out a chair for Mechi*

Me: How are you?

J: Now we're here, I am fine

*We ordered and as soon as the waiter was gone, I looked at Mechi toward me. She was dressed casually but very nicely, with her hair in a ponytail. Finally, I could look properly and study her face. She is so pretty, I didn't notice thise sparkling eyes before. And a smile drew on her lips just underscored her beauty*

J: How was your day?

Me: It was fine, Martina is calming down, returning to her previous state

J: And did she talk about me?

Me: No, she doesn't talk to me, nor the rest of the hospital

J: I mean, if she had talked to herself or something like that

Me: Ah... no, I haven't heard her. But sometimes, she talks to her doll, Mariana

J: Well, enough talking about work. What do you like?

Martina's pov

Ma: Tell me about Jorge

*Mariana said as she sat on the bed next to me*

M: Nothing. He is like the others.

Ma: I remember you said he has something. That his words are on your mind every day. That's not the same as at the others

M: But he is already gone. Two days passed and he isn't here. Jorge gave up too

Ma: He wouldn't if you hadn't thrown dishes on his head

M: Don't you remember what he said? He said you're a doll. And that isn't true.

Ma: Of course it's not. But give him a chance. I believe he will come back. And I am sure he will help. Both of us. Do it for me please

*I nodded slowly, checking Mariana from the bottom to the top*

M: Your head. Does it hurt?

Ma: What?

M: The wound on your head. Is it okay?

Ma: Yes, it doesn't hurt as much as before... I think it's time to sleep.

M: Yeah, good night

*I layed down, pulling Mariana close to me*

M: I will try to give him a chance. Just for you.

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