chapter 114

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Martina's pov

*When I opened up to Jorge, when I started talking about what happened, the pictures played in my mind. I remembered the room, the toys, even the view from the window.*

M: ... a small doll was laying there. She had black hair, nice, blue dress. She reminded me of my mum. That's why I named her after my mother. I was in that room all alone so I started being paranoid and started talking to the doll. She talked back. I was so shocked at first, but really happy that I felt... not alone. Then, the man came in and dragged me to another room, where he tied me up to a chair. I gave up on begging for mercy and. It w help. Later, they came with my mum. I couldn't look in her face. She was so hurt. Her face was full of bruises. She barely kept herself on her legs. But when she raised her head up and saw me, her eyes looked at me so scared and sorrowfully. She wanted me to forgive her for something. Something that I didn't know and didn't get until now.

J: What was that?

M: Forgive her for being selfish. Her job wasn't really good but she always had money for eveything. We had nice clothes, a big room and I had toys. I always wondered where she got all this from but never asked. The men held her so tight as another one came in. He was tall, I couldn't see in his face but saw a ring on his finger. And heard his voice. I... I don't remember clearly what he said but it was about a deal. My mother didn't do what he wanted. And that I wasn't planned but... that I could be useful. As a punishment. Because, what is worse than being tortured? Watching your child being tortured. He hit me countless times. Pulled my hair. Cut  My mum had to listen to me crying and yelling from pain...

*I was pulling the tissues out one by one, wiping my tears, trying to finish.*

M: When the man stopped and turned around, I thought it's over... that they will leave us and never come back. He sweeped the thought away. He pulled out a gun and a loud shot rang in my ears. I closed my eyes tight and waited for when it's all gone. Really. When the footsteps disappeared, everything was gone. Including my mum. They took her away, just a bloodline left after her.

*It was all out. My heart was lighter. But all the memories came back. Jorge sat there in silence for a while but then pulled me even closer than we were, placed my head on his chest, right at his heart, and comfotred me for good next twenty minutes.*

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