chapter 76

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Jorge's pov

J: Thank you for the picture Martina, see you tomorrow

M: Bye!

*I left and my phone rang. Ruggero.*

J: Hey

R: Hi, don't forget that we are going to get some drink tonight

J: Today? Already? Okay, I'll be there

*I said and hang up. I ran to the changing room, took my jacket and placed the drawings in the pocket. Then I sat in the car and headed to the bar*


R: Hey!

J: Hi, have you been waiting for long?

R: No, have a seat

*I sat down and we ordered*

R: So, how is it going? Anything new?

J: Yeah. But not very good

R: We have the whole night long. What about Stephie?

J: Yeah. She wanted us to be more than friends, I mean oficially and when I said no, she got mad. And told me that I have no other choice

R: Wow, she really wants you. Man, you're a walking piece of meat and she is a hungry tiger

J: ... how did you manage to come up with this? Anyway. I don't know what to do. Our parents like us together. And they surely did this on purpose

R: And what about Martina?

J: She is seriously the smallest problem I have. She listenes to me, talks, and we've been out today. And I think she is beginning to show her past

R: Exactly?

J: She drew this

*I said and pulled her drawing out of my pocket*

J: This looks like an old house, probably the one where people found her

R: And what is this? In the right corner?

J: That looks like a... ring?

R: A ring formed as a head of a tiger

J: That may be an item she remembers from that moment

R: Good luck with that, Sherlock

J: Well, enough about me. What about you?

R: I was thinking about asking Cande

J: Asking for...

R: If she wants to be with me forever

J: You want to propose her

R: ... yes

J: Then ask her. If you're ready, I see no problem

R: You think it's that easy?

J: Yeah, very simple

R: Man, proposal has to be extraordinary.

J: Good luck

R: Yeah, and you should find someone too

J: We've just talked about that. No. I don't have the girl.

Heeey ☺ so, Jorge's video inspired me to make the Ruggelaria thing in this chapter ❤ and I want to say, that I noticed that some "fans" sent hate comments under Jorge's video and instagram post. I don't get why do they do it but they clearly don't deserve to call themselves Jorgistas. I admit that I ship Jortini a lot more and don't really like Stephie but they are happy. Don't you think they deserve it? It doesn't matter if Stephie isn't as pretty, slim or whatever as Tini. She is a human being and deservers her soulmate, who is Jorge. Thanks for reading this until the end ❤

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