chapter 45

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Martina's pov

Ma: You see? I told you he is trying to take me away.

*Mariana said as we voth sat on the bed. I shook my head confusely, wondering what were the evidences about Jorge's aim to separate us.*

M: I still don't get why you're like this. I decide whether to leave you or no.

Ma: Your mind will be blown one day. He will take control over you

M: That is insane.

Ma: I am telling you, he is dangerous.

Jorge's pov

*When I arrived home, my eyes darted on the living room. The lights were on. I walked in and saw my father sitting there with a cup of coffee. He was angry*

Jd: Where did you go

J: I-

Jd: Where did you go. You disappeared in the middle of the party

J: I needed to get some fresh air

Jd: That is why you didn't come back? I haven't introduced you to everyone!

J: Why have you done that? Because you want me to get someone. But you really think one party will make everything how you want?

Jd: Yeah

J: Well, then you are terribly wrong.

Jd: Oh, really? I saw you talking to Stephie. Do you like her?

J: ... I talked to her. That means nothing. That doesn't mean I will make her happy, neither she will make me happy

Jd: Okay, I won't do that again. But find someone soon. Your mother-

J: I know what is with my mother!

*I screamed and finally made my dad quiet.*

J: Stop it. I know everything, you already told me once. I am trying to. But it's not that easy. I want someone who I will live my life with. That someone can't appear with a blink of an eye.

Jd: I know. I've been searching for a long time too. But you know. We are running out of time. Only eleven months... I will- I will go now. Bye

J: Bye.

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