chapter 97

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Martina's pov

*We walked to the park slowly, as I kept looking around. Everything is different, new, I never realized that things change so quickly. I wasn't scared. Mabye because I was too busy studying the scenery, I didn't notice people passing us*

J: Do you remember Buenos Aires?

M: Yes but I think you better be my guide

J: Yeah, I've been waiting for this!

M: I remember that was an elementary school

*I said, pointing at an old building*

J: Now it's an office. That is the downtown. And the park is right here

*We passed the iron gate and sat on the closest bench. So many trees, and a playground nearby. I remember this place.*

M: When I was small, I used to play right there

J: Really?

M: Yes, this is the only place that hasn't changed

J: Do you want to go on a swing? Or a slide?

M: No, I'm not a child anymore

J: Admit it. We all are.

*With those words, he stood up and ran to the swing, pulling me after him*

J: Sit down, I will swing you

M: Alright

*I sat and he started swinging slowly. I closed my eyes, enjoyed the moment. Until I heard a melody. I've heard a lot of sounds and songs but this one is fixed in my head since I was three. It was like an alarm.*

M: Oh, is that an ice cream truck?!

J: How do you know?

M: I love ice cream!

J: Come on!

*I got off and ran to the car with Jorge in front of me.*

J: Hello, one chocolate please

M: And one strawberry please!

*Jorge turned at me very surprised when I started talking*

M: Oh, sorry, I am very excited

J: Yeah. I see.

*The man gave us our ice cream, Jorge payed and we continued walking*

J: You've just talked to a stranger

M: I know, and I didn't feel scared at all. It just came out

J: Whoa, it's been an hour since we left the hospital and you seem very calm. And happy.

M: I want to go to the centre!

J: There are a lot of people

M: Please

J: Yeah, okay but I don't want you to get lost because of the excitement

*His hand held mine and we headed to the downtown*

??: Hey!

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