chapter 56

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Jorge's pov

*I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing and the display lightening up. I took the phone and answered*

J: Hello?

??: Hi Jorge! Oh, did I wake you up?

*Stephie's voice echoed in my ears*

J: ... no. I am awake

S: Well, my dad is doing a banquet and I was thinking if you would come over. I know you don't like these activities but my father wants you to come. And so do I

*A banquet. Another one from the boring stuff*

J: ... sure, when?

S: Tomorrow at eight.

J: At...

S: At the Camarena Restaurant

J: Okay, I'll be there.

S: I can't wait!

*She said and hang up... why did I agree? Mabye I'm sick. But that has to wait now, I gotta go to Martina. When I arrived at her door, I placed my ear on them again because Martina was talking. Again.*

M: You want to talk about this til' the end of the days? Or what?! You are repeating the same sentences!

*Which sentences? I walked in and saw Martina in the same position as yesterday, towards the doll.*

M: Uh. Hey.

J: Hello. Is everything okay?

M: ... yeah. Can we start working?

J: Sure

*She sat on the chair and I leaned rowards the table*

J: So, today, I-

*I started talking and looked at her. She was looking at the flowers sadly. I could see her eyes filling with tears.*

J: Martina, didn't you change your mind? About talking to me

M: ... no. Not yet.

J: Really

*I said and came a bit closer*

M: ... I can't...

*She whispered in my ear with her shaky voice. Then bursted in tears. I couldn't help myself and pulled her up into a hug. Without resistance, she hugged me back*

J: You will feel better after telling me what is going on

*She pulled away, grabbed the doll and placed it under the pillow. Then she came back*

M: Mariana... she is... she has changed.

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