chapter 39

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Jorge's pov

*I arrived at my parents' house, stood at the door and listened. Silence. No music. Well, let's see what is going on in there. I knocked on the door and my father opened. He was in a suit, his hair gelled and combed perfectly and he even had a smile on his face*

Jd: Good evening Jorge, come in

J: Thank you

*As I stepped in, I looked around and searched for my friends... what are these strangers doing here? I have never seen any of them*

J: Dad, you invited someone... without me knowing?

Jd: Just a few friends of mine

J: ... and their daughters. Right?

Jd: You said you will find someone but still haven't. And your mother wants to see her grandchildren before she passes away. Or at least her daughter-in-law.

J: But this is a birthday party, not a dating event

Jd: Just come with me, I will introduce you. You don't have to choose one of the girls, though it would be great. But it's your choice.

J: Later. I want to see my friends first.

*I said and walked further, looking for my friends. Everyone was wishing me happy birthday and giving me small gifts, though I didn't even know their names. I walked to the kitchen where Cande, Ruggero and Mechi were standing and drinking champagne*

J: Hello guys!

C: Happy birthday!!

J: Thank you!

*I hugged Cande, Mechi and did a special handshake with Rugge*

J: All of you look great!

*Mechi's cheeks got a pink shade as she giggled and answered*

Me: Thank you

R: You said "Just my family and you". You didn't have to lie to me

J: I didn't know these people will come. My father invited them

C: Yeah, that reminds me that already three girls asked me where are you

J: ... this will be a tiring night... Mechi, is everything okay in the hospital?

Me: Yeah, Martina is fine

J: Anyway, have fun guys, now excuse me, I have to introduce myself to these strangers.

*I turned around and headed back to the crowd. Until someone bumped in me*

??: I'm sorry

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